On November 28, 2007, teenagers and young adults gathered together to worship God in song, fellowship, and honesty. This group could be called a Youth Group. Here, they are members of the body of Christ called “Ctrl Z.”

For those unfamiliar with “ctrl-z”, it’s the “undo” command on a computer – a chance to change a wrong word, a wrong sentence. You’re still responsible for the mistake, but you have the ability to change it. Ctrl Z is a chance to change directions, take a bad decision and make it right.

Ctrl Z had 40 young, growing sheep (age 13 to young adult) praising God and having fun. But it wasn’t all fun and games, there was work to be done. The concept and heart behind Ctrl Z was for youth to come together on their own terms to strengthen relationships with each other and most importantly with God. But to strengthen a relationship, you must understand each other’s, and your own, strengths and weaknesses.

Each person was asked to stand, say their name, age, a bit of what God was doing in their life, a strength and a weakness. From feelings of not fitting in to not making friends easily. From being too serious about little things and not serious enough about major life changes to fear of failure and rejection around friends and family.

If we want to help others, then we must first understand each other’s struggles deeper than we have before. We have to be willing to share our hearts. Then, when we fall on our face, those that are strong in an area, can help support and restore that fallen brother or sister - to bear one another’s burdens, to fulfill the Law of Christ.

What is one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses?